More than 20 years of experience in our area have led us to the development of a method of reliable and happy work

To guarantee the quality of our projects, Vitaller Arquitectura uses methods to monitor and control all the phases of our project and its implementation. Along with our clients, we establish a diagram of critical points and deadlines, as well as the quality and reliability levels of each project.

View certificate: ISO 9001-2015
View certificate: ISO 14001-2015
View Environmental Policy

Quality management system; the desire to continuously improve and satisfy our clients is based on a quality assurance system, based on Standard ISO 9001-2015, which we apply to the preparation of our projects, to project management and to the situation of our colleagues.

Sustainability: As a guarantee that our projects apply sustainability criteria to minimise environmental impact generated by the building throughout its lifecycle, and recently, as a guarantee of our sustainability with the environment, we were awarded the ISO 14001-2015 environmental management certificate.

Our commitment towards the principles and good practices of sustainable construction since 2016. We have been award a diploma accrediting our associated BREEAM recognition.

Innovation: We have implemented technology, processes and collaboration between the players involved in the project and the work in both the design strategy and in the building process.

The main goal of applying BIM in our office is to increase quality using the 3D model that enables us to visualise and correct the project, extracting the most important information for building construction, anticipating evaluated decision making during the initial stages in favour of excellence.

We used LEAN construction, based on the management of construction projects in line with the principles of continuous improvement and LEAN manufacturing. This seeks to minimise losses and maximum the value of the end product designed together with the client.